1. You will receive an email from the myjobscotland Team to notify you that your organisation has been published. This will come from [email protected].

  2. You can now use the "Post a Job" menu to create an advert

  3. FieldPurpose
    TitleJob title for role
    AdvertJob description/advert text
    AttachmentsUpload a copy of any documents candidates may need, for example:
    • Job Description
    • Person Specification
    • Application Form
    • Your recruitment process
    CategoryThis should default to "Adult Care" and should not be changed.
    Work time count

    e.g. 35 hours per week


    Work time unithours
    Work time periodweek
    Minimum salaryThe minimum salary/hourly rate offered for this position.
    Maximum salaryThe maximum salary/hourly rate offered for this position.
    Salary period

    The period the salary is paid. e.g. £XX per year or per hour.

    Salary rangeThis is a search filter used by candidates, you can only choose one so select the most appropriate.
    Salary suffixCustom text to display after the salary e.g. pro rata
    Override salary textCustom text to display in place of salary (if required)
    Position typee.g. full time / part time
    Contract typee.g. permanent / temporary
    AddressMain reporting location of job
    Post codeCorresponding post code to address - note this pulls the map location in the advert and is used in the location search by candidates.
    AreaGeneric area of position
    External Application URLHow do you intend candidates apply? If you have your own application link you can insert this here, if the candidate is to email an application form/CV you can enter an email link e.g. mailto:[email protected]
    Allow applicationsIf you have added a link in the URL field, leave this in the "On" position.
    Number of positionsThe total number of positions available for this job.
    Start dateWhen do you want the advert to display on the website?
    End dateWhen does the advert expire?
    PublishedIn most cases this should be left "On"

  4. Submit
    Your advert will display on myjobscotland from the start date entered.


TotalJobs who are running some ads for us promoting your jobs on our website, also offer a series of useful seminars on how to post jobs on their system, but more importantly some guidance on writing good job adverts. You can sign up to these sessions here.

In addition there are some useful static resources on their website.